Spice Biscuits

Makes: approx 60
1.2kg (2lb 4oz) Whole Wheat Flour
225g (8oz) Dark Treacle
225g (8oz) Powdered Milk
110ml (4fl oz) Sunflower Oil
3 tbsp Yeast
¾ tsp Ginger
¼ tsp Allspice
¾ tsp Cinnamon
¼ tsp Cloves, crushed
¼ tsp Mace
¼ tsp Nutmeg

  • Blend treacle, oil and spices.
  • Add flour, powdered milk and yeast.
  • Mix into a stiff dough and chill for several hours.
  • Preheat oven to 190°C: 375°F: Gas 5
  • Roll dough very thinly, cut into shapes
  • Place onto lightly greased baking trays. Bake for 6-8 minutes.
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