Sweets Practical cookery course for CHILDREN 9 to 14 years old



1. Sweet Pastry, Almond Tarts & Chocolate Cannoli
2. Panna Cotta & Trifle
3. Cupcakes & Apple Cakes
4. Easter Figolli & Easter Cookies
5. Red Coconut Cake & Lemon Meringue Pie

Dates: 4th, 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th April
Time: 16:00 to 18:00
Price: €120.00

Venue: The Classroom, The FOOD FACTORY BULEBEL.

Payment via website and you can fill the form accordingly

If paying by revolut on 99494846 kindly send email to anton@astoria.mt with the required details and mobile number



Price: 120,00 €
Noti: 1. Għall-kors m’għandek bżonn xejn ħlief kontenituri biex tieħu l-ikel li ssajjar miegħek id-dar. Aħna nipprovdu r-riċetti u l-ingredjenti kollha li jkun hemm bżonn, bħala parti mill-ħlas tal-kors. Nipprovdu fardal ukoll. 2. Tkun fil hin. 3. Termini u kundizzjonijiet japplikaw. Importanti li taqrahom.


Dan huwa kors għat-tfal sabiħ u interessanti ħafna, mimli taħlita ta’ riċetti tal-ħelu. Insibu diversi għaġejjen, torti tal-lewż, figolli, panna cotta, trifle, kannoli tal-irkotta, u ħafna oħrajn.

Huwa kors li t-tfal żgur li se jħobbu ħafna għax se jitgħallmu jagħmlu prodotti tajbin li jkunu jistgħu jeħduhom id-dar.

Nota: Il-kundizzjonijiet tal-kors japplikaw. Il-lezzjonijiet isiru bil-Malti imma fejn ikun hemm bżonn tingħata spjegazzjoni bl-Ingliż.


This is a very beautiful and interesting course for children, filled with a mix of dessert recipes. We will make various pastries, almond cakes, figolli, panna cotta, trifle, ricotta cannoli, and many more.

It’s a course that the children will love, as they will learn to make great products that they can take home.

Note: Course conditions apply. The lessons are conducted in Maltese, but explanations will be given in English where necessary.

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